Thursday, November 11, 2010

Christmas Fancy Dress

Its that time of year, where someone at work gets given the job of organising the annual christmas party! Some people jump at the chance for the responsibility, some hide under their desks in the hope that they won’t be asked.  Which ever type of person you are, why not consider having a fancy dress christmas party!  

Thursday, September 30, 2010

After we lived 1944

When we planned living in 1944 we ha no idea what life would have in stall for us.
I planned to blog and tell the world our every move but i never had the time, working full time, and spending all my spare time either cooking or washing up, the blog etc did get negated.
I have updated it today best i can and hope to have some free time to post a few recipes etc that we used.
as a family we lost just over one stone in weight!
Friday 22nd September
Last day of powdered egg on toast
lunch jam sandwiches ( we never had much else left)
We finished today at 6pm

Thursday 21st september
Only one day left to go
breakfast toast
lunch we used a little bit of the cheese that we where given and we all enjoyed cheese sandwiches and a apple
evening meal  corn-beef in batter and salad

Wednesday 20th September

Porridge for breakfast
lunch was once again corn beef sandwiches with tomato
evening meal was cold chicken bubble and squeak and backed beans
Tuesday 19th September
breakfast powdered egg on toast
lunch  corn-beef sandwiches and a pear
In the evening we where taken out to eat. we ate within our diet best you can in a modern pub . 
We all felt very full after our meal. but only choose small portions 
Porridge for breakfast
lunch was once again corn beef sandwiches with tomato
evening meal was cold chicken bubble and squeak and backed beans
Monday 20th September 2010
Today my in laws came to stay and have brought extra rations.  so we have some more bacon, milk and a small amount of extra cheese.
Breakfast - toast 
lunch home made leek and potato soup
evening meal roast chicken roast potatoes carrots, roast parsnips, cauliflower and home made gravy.
semolina for pudding. 
My mother in law brought bacon to go over the chicken  but i felt this was a waste as only yesterday we shared one rasher of bacon between two!